Plant Encyclopedia

Tahiti™ Hibiscus

Hibiscus syriacus 'Mineru'

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Tahiti Hibiscus with purple flowers

Discover More Information On Tahiti™ Hibiscus

Tahiti™ Hibiscus has textured, vibrant, semi-double flowers that create a massive pop of color in the summer landscape. Deep pink-purple flowers are accentuated with a deep red center, and with the semi-double bloom on a large shrub, Tahiti™ makes a fantastic focal point in the back of the garden. Blooming from July through September in Zones 5-8, this hibiscus adds a sense of the tropics even to moderate climates. Bred by Minier Nursery in France.

Plant Attributes

The Tahiti™ Hibiscus, scientifically known as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is a stunning tropical flowering plant native to Southeast Asia. This eye-catching plant is widely popular for its vibrant and colorful blooms, making it an excellent choice for garden enthusiasts and landscape designers alike. The following paragraphs will delve into the various attributes of the Tahiti™ Hibiscus, including its appearance, growth habits, environmental preferences, and care requirements.

The appearance of the Tahiti™ Hibiscus is nothing short of breathtaking. The plant is adorned with large, trumpet-shaped flowers that can measure up to 6 inches in diameter. These exquisite blooms come in a range of colors, from deep red and pink to bright orange and yellow, often with a contrasting central eye. The flowers typically have a ruffled, slightly fringed appearance, adding to their overall charm. The plant's glossy, dark green leaves create a striking contrast against the vibrant flowers, providing a lush backdrop for the spectacular floral display.

In terms of growth habits, the Tahiti™ Hibiscus is a relatively fast-growing plant that can reach heights of 4 to 6 feet and a similar width at maturity. It has a bushy, well-branched growth habit, which makes it an ideal choice for creating privacy screens, hedges, or as a standalone specimen in a garden setting. The plant blooms profusely from late spring to early fall, attracting hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators.

The Tahiti™ Hibiscus thrives in warm, tropical climates, and it is best suited for USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11. It requires full sun exposure for optimal growth and flowering, although it can tolerate partial shade. The plant prefers well-draining, fertile soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6.0 and 6.5. Regular watering is essential, as the Tahiti™ Hibiscus has a moderate to high water requirement, but it is important to avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot.

When it comes to care and maintenance, the Tahiti™ Hibiscus benefits from regular pruning to encourage bushier growth and to maintain its shape. Pruning should be done in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. It is also important to fertilize the plant with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season to ensure optimal health and performance. Additionally, the Tahiti™ Hibiscus is susceptible to pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites, so regular monitoring and appropriate pest control measures should be taken to keep these nuisances at bay.

Landscape Use

The Tahiti™ Hibiscus is a versatile plant with a wide array of landscaping uses. Its bold and colorful blooms, along with its lush, dark green foliage, make it a popular choice for various garden designs and settings. Here are some of the most common landscaping uses for the Tahiti™ Hibiscus:

  1. Specimen planting: The stunning appearance of the Tahiti™ Hibiscus makes it an ideal choice for a specimen plant. Placing it as a focal point in a garden or landscape can create an impressive visual impact and draw attention to its vibrant flowers and glossy foliage.
  2. Mixed borders: The Tahiti™ Hibiscus can be incorporated into mixed borders with other flowering plants and shrubs. Its lush foliage provides a striking contrast to other plants, while its vibrant blooms complement the colors of neighboring flowers.
  3. Privacy screens and hedges: The bushy growth habit of the Tahiti™ Hibiscus makes it a suitable choice for creating privacy screens or hedges. Planting it in a row or a staggered pattern can help to create a natural barrier and add visual interest to a property line.
  4. Container gardens: For those living in colder climates or with limited garden space, the Tahiti™ Hibiscus can be grown in large containers. This allows gardeners to enjoy its tropical beauty on patios, balconies, or terraces and provides the option to move the plant indoors during colder months to protect it from frost.
  5. Tropical-themed gardens: The Tahiti™ Hibiscus is a natural fit for tropical-themed gardens. Its exotic appearance can help to create an atmosphere reminiscent of a tropical paradise, particularly when combined with other plants native to tropical regions, such as palms, ferns, and orchids.
  6. Poolside planting: The vibrant colors and tropical vibe of the Tahiti™ Hibiscus make it an excellent choice for poolside planting. It can add a touch of luxury and create a relaxing atmosphere around a swimming pool or spa area.
  7. Wildlife gardens: The Tahiti™ Hibiscus is an excellent choice for wildlife gardens, as its nectar-rich blooms attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators. Planting it alongside other nectar-producing plants can create a haven for these beneficial creatures.

Planting & Care

Planting and caring for a Tahiti™ Hibiscus involves several steps to ensure its healthy growth and vibrant blooms. Here's a guide to help you plant and maintain your Tahiti™ Hibiscus:

  1. Planting location: Choose a spot with full sun exposure for optimal growth and flowering. The Tahiti™ Hibiscus can tolerate partial shade, but too much shade may result in fewer blooms. Ensure the location has well-draining soil to prevent root rot and other issues associated with excess moisture.
  2. Soil preparation: The Tahiti™ Hibiscus prefers fertile, well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6.0 and 6.5. Amend the planting area with organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure to improve soil fertility and structure. If necessary, perform a soil test to determine the pH level and make adjustments accordingly.
  3. Planting: Dig a hole twice as wide and slightly deeper than the root ball of your Tahiti™ Hibiscus. Gently remove the plant from its container and loosen the roots, if necessary. Place the plant in the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the surrounding soil. Fill the hole with soil, firming it gently around the plant's base to remove air pockets. Water thoroughly to settle the soil.
  4. Watering: The Tahiti™ Hibiscus has moderate to high water requirements. Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Water deeply, allowing the soil to dry slightly between watering sessions. In hot, dry weather, you may need to water more frequently.
  5. Fertilization: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer every few months during the growing season. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for application rates and methods. Proper fertilization will promote healthy growth and prolific blooms.
  6. Pruning: Prune your Tahiti™ Hibiscus in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Pruning helps maintain the plant's shape, encourages bushier growth, and removes any dead or damaged branches. Remove any crossing or inward-growing branches and trim back to a healthy outward-facing bud or branch.
  7. Pest control: The Tahiti™ Hibiscus is susceptible to pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. Regularly inspect your plant for signs of infestations and treat any issues promptly with appropriate pest control measures, such as insecticidal soaps or neem oil.
  8. Frost protection: In colder climates or areas prone to frost, protect your Tahiti™ Hibiscus by bringing container plants indoors or providing insulation to plants in the ground. Use frost blankets or similar protective coverings to shield the plant from freezing temperatures.

Additional Information

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Tahiti™ Hibiscus


Plant Features

  • Height: 5-8'
  • Width: 4-7'
  • Hardiness Zone: 5-8
  • Heat Zone: 7
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Habit: Upright
  • Flower Color: Dark Pink
  • Foliage: Dark Green

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