Plant Encyclopedia

Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower

Heptacodium miconioides

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Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower

Discover More Information On Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower

The Temple of Bloom® seven-son flower, scientifically known as Heptacodium miconioides, is a remarkable plant that once only adorned the collections of avid plant enthusiasts. Now making its grand debut to the broader North American audience, this small, deciduous tree is a spectacle of year-round beauty. As spring ushers in, its captivating leaves with pronounced veins take center stage, growing more pronounced and twisted as seasons progress. By August's end, when most plants start to recede, this floral gem is only beginning its showcase. It bursts forth with clusters of aromatic white blooms, drawing the attention of hummingbirds and other pollinators.

These blooms, lasting for several weeks, give way to striking red bracts, creating an illusion of a second bloom in a contrasting hue. The onset of winter reveals its elegant structure complemented by its unique light tan peeling bark. This plant is not just a visual treat; it promises year-round interest with minimal care and is hardy in zones 5 to 9. Whether you are an ardent plant lover or someone looking for an ornamental centerpiece for your landscape, the Temple of Bloom® seven-son flower is sure to mesmerize and steal the spotlight.

Plant Attributes

The Temple of Bloom® seven-son flower stands out not only for its breathtaking beauty but also for its distinct attributes. This deciduous tree falls into the tall height category, reaching an impressive garden height of 72 to 120 inches. Similarly, it boasts a spread ranging from 72 to 120 inches, creating a commanding presence in any landscape. The tree blooms in radiant shades of red and white, juxtaposed beautifully against deep green foliage that gives the plant an upright and robust habit.

Aptly classified as a 'thriller' in container roles, its adaptability to both part sun and full sun conditions makes it a versatile addition to gardens. Its blooming phase is a prolonged affair, extending from summer through fall. Moreover, it's hardy across zones ranging from 5a to 9b, ensuring it can thrive in a variety of climates. As for maintenance, this tree is a dream for gardeners, falling into the 'easy' category. It blossoms on new wood and requires average watering, perfectly balancing beauty with practicality.

Whether you're seeking a border plant, a stunning focal point, or a landscape specimen, the Temple of Bloom® seven-son flower is an impeccable choice. It's particularly worth noting that this tree, beyond its aesthetic appeal, serves as a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds, enhancing its charm.

Landscape Use

  1. Specimen or Focal Point: Given its unique year-round beauty, the Temple of Bloom® serves as a stunning specimen plant. When positioned as a centerpiece in a garden or yard, it naturally draws attention and admiration.
  2. Mixed Borders: This tree can be integrated into mixed borders alongside other shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses. Its distinct blooms and foliage provide texture and color contrasts, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the border.
  3. Wildlife Garden: Its fragrant flowers attract a plethora of pollinators, including hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. Planting it in a wildlife or pollinator garden ensures a buzz of activity during its blooming phase.
  4. Seasonal Interest Garden: Given its extended interest from spring foliage, summer blooms, fall bracts, and winter bark, it's an excellent addition to gardens designed for year-round interest.
  5. Patio or Seating Areas: Given its aromatic flowers, placing the tree near patios, decks, or other seating areas allows visitors to enjoy its delightful scent up close.
  6. Privacy Screen: When planted in a row or cluster, these trees can act as a natural privacy screen, especially during the growing season when they're flush with leaves.
  7. Woodland Edge: Being versatile, it can be introduced to the edges of woodlands or forests, blending the transition between cultivated gardens and natural areas.
  8. Container Planting: For those with limited ground space, younger Temple of Bloom® trees can be grown in large containers, serving as 'thrillers' in container garden arrangements.
  9. Architectural Interest: The tree's elegant frame, especially its peeling bark during winter, adds architectural depth to landscapes, making it suitable for modern or minimalist garden designs.
  10. Transition Zones: It can serve as a transitional plant between different zones in a garden, such as from a sunlit area to a shaded one, given its adaptability to varying light conditions.

Incorporating the Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower into landscaping projects ensures not just visual splendor but also a dynamic interaction with local wildlife, making gardens vibrant and lively.

Planting & Care

Planting Instructions:

  1. Site Selection: Choose a location that receives part sun to full sun. While the tree is adaptable, it thrives best in spots that get at least 4-6 hours of sunlight daily.
  2. Soil Preparation: The tree isn't overly finicky about the soil type but prefers well-draining soil. Enrich the planting site with compost or organic matter to enhance its fertility.
  3. Planting Hole: Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball and just as deep. This ensures the roots have room to spread.
  4. Positioning: Place the tree in the hole, ensuring it's level with the ground surface. Fill in with soil, pressing down gently to eliminate any air pockets.
  5. Watering: After planting, water the tree thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots.

Care Instructions:

  1. Watering: While the tree appreciates regular moisture, especially during its growth phase, ensure the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged. It's essential to strike a balance, as both overwatering and underwatering can harm the tree.
  2. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree. This retains soil moisture, regulates temperature, and suppresses weed growth.
  3. Pruning: Temple of Bloom® generally doesn't require rigorous pruning. However, you can shape it to your liking or remove any dead or diseased branches. The best time to prune is late winter or early spring, as flower buds set shortly after the tree leafs out.
  4. Fertilizing: This tree doesn't need special fertilizing. However, if you wish to promote more robust growth, consider applying a granular fertilizer formulated for woody plants (like a rose fertilizer) in early spring.
  5. Pests and Diseases: While the tree is relatively resistant to most pests and diseases, always be on the lookout for any signs of trouble and treat promptly.
  6. Winter Care: The tree is hardy and can withstand cold temperatures, especially in zones 5 to 9. However, in areas prone to severe winter weather, consider providing some protection or mulching heavily at the base.

By adhering to these planting and care guidelines, the Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower will flourish and become a captivating centerpiece in your garden, providing year-round interest and beauty.

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Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower


Plant Features

  • Watering Needs: Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower appreciates regular moisture, especially during its growth phase. It's crucial to keep the soil uniformly damp without over-saturating it.
  • Botanical Pronunciation: Hep-ta-CO-dium my-con-EE-oy-des
  • Plant Type: Tree
  • Deciduous/Evergreen: Deciduous
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Average Landscape Size: This tree can grow impressively, reaching a height of about 72 to 120 inches (6 to 10 feet) with an equally expansive spread of 72 to 120 inches (6 to 10 feet).
  • Dramatic Foliage: Yes, it showcases deep green foliage that becomes a beautiful backdrop to its white and red blooms.
  • Foliage Color: Deep Green
  • Blooms: Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower flaunts clusters of fragrant white flowers, which eventually reveal vibrant red bracts, giving an impression of a second blossoming phase.
  • Flower Color: White, transitioning to Red bracts
  • Flower Attributes: The tree's flowers are a visual delight and carry a pleasant fragrance, drawing in hummingbirds and various pollinators.
  • Garden Style: This tree is adaptable and will complement different garden aesthetics, be it traditional, contemporary, or wildlife gardens.
  • Design Ideas: The Temple of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower serves as a striking centerpiece in any garden. Given its year-round beauty, it's best placed where it can be frequently seen and admired. Its attributes, especially the aromatic blooms, make it an excellent choice near relaxation spots within the garden, ensuring visitors can relish its beauty and scent.
  • Companion Plants: This tree pairs harmoniously with plants like rose shrubs, lavender, and ornamental grasses. Its deep green foliage and distinct blooms create a picturesque scene when juxtaposed with plants exhibiting contrasting colors and textures.

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